Touch Your Heart

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V9 Pro supports Alipay Fingerprint Payment, but does not support Wechat Fingerprint Payment. You can go to Settings>Fingerprint, face and password>Fingerprint>Payment>Alipay to enable it.

We are sorry V9 Pro does not support AI Portrait Framing.

Yeah. It supports Smart wake. You can go to Settings>Smart motion>Smart wake to experience this feature.

Yeah. It supports Face Access, but does not Infrared Face Access.

Yeah. It supports Double click to light. You can go to Settings>Smart motion>Smart turn on /off screen to turn it on.

Glad to tell you that V9 Pro supports Apt-X.

Yeah. It supports App Clone. You can go to Settings>App clone to turn on the App clone switch of the apps.

We are happy to tell you that V9 Pro supports AI Face Beauty.

Yeah. It supports Facebeauty while recording videos. Go to Camera>enter Videos mode, click the icon in the right bottom corner to activate Face Beauty.

V9 Pro does not support AI Filter.